Resultado da pesquisa (7)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Riet-Correa B.

#1 - Lectin histochemistry evaluation of liver and mesenteric lymph node of buffaloes kept on Brachiaria spp. pastures, 36(9):798-804

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Miranda I.C., Riet-Correa G., Oliveira Júnior C.A., Riet-Correa B., Peixoto P.V., Costa S.Z.R., d’Avila M.S., Cid G.C. & França T.N. 2016. [Lectin histochemistry evaluation of liver and mesenteric lymph node of buffaloes kept on Brachiaria spp. pastures.] Avaliação lectino-histoquímica de fígado e linfonodo mesentérico de búfalos mantidos em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(9):798-804. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus de Seropédica, BR-465 Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Animals grazing Brachiaria spp. commonly present foamy macrophages isolated or grouped in the liver, and crystals within biliary ducts. The pathogenesis of formation and the nature of the material stored in these cells however are not completely known. Through lectin histochemistry evaluation, steroidal saponins (secondary glycosylated metabolites) have been identified in the crystals and within the cytoplasm of the foam cells, which are probably liable for damaging the liver, leading to accumulation of phylloerythrin. This study aims to standardize and characterize the use of lectin histochemistry to detect glycosylated metabolites in tissues of buffaloes kept on different Brachiaria spp. pastures in Brazil. Fragments of liver and mesenteric lymph node from 40 buffaloes were analyzed: 10 buffaloes that were kept in predominant pasture of B. decumbens for 12 months; 10 buffaloes that were kept in pasture with a predominance of B. brizantha for 18 months; 10 buffaloes that were kept on pasture of B. brizantha for about four years; and as a negative control, 10 buffaloes that were maintained on native pasture without Brachiaria spp. since birth. Fourteen lectins were tested (Con-A, SBA, WGA, DBA, UEA, RCA, PNA, GSL-I, PSA, LCA, PHA-E, PHA-L, SJA and SWGA), in a total of 1120 evaluated samples. Previous studies demonstrated that PNA showed great binding reactivity for foamy macrophages in cattle and sheep. In the present study, SWGA showed high specificity and marked binding reactivity for foamy macrophages; WGA, GSL, PHA-E and PHA-L showed moderate to marked reactivity, but low specificity for foamy macrophages. The other lectins had not relevant reactivity or specificity. Moreover there was no relevant reactivity difference between the collected samplesd from buffaloes that grazed B. decumbens for 12 months and Brachiaria brizantha for 18 months. However the decreased presence of foamy macrophages and its lectin histochemical binding in animals that fed on B. brizantha for a longer time, indicates that the buffaloes can pass through an adaptation process according to the plant intake time. Lectin histochemistry analysis can be used to characterize the material stored in foamy macrophages present in liver and mesenteric lymph node of buffaloes that graze on Brachiaria spp. pastures and helps to clarify the pathogenesis of these cells.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Miranda I.C., Riet-Correa G., Oliveira Júnior C.A., Riet-Correa B., Peixoto P.V., Costa S.Z.R., d’Avila M.S., Cid G.C. & França T.N. 2016. [Lectin histochemistry evaluation of liver and mesenteric lymph node of buffaloes kept on Brachiaria spp. pastures.] Avaliação lectino-histoquímica de fígado e linfonodo mesentérico de búfalos mantidos em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(9):798-804. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Instituto de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus de Seropédica, BR-465 Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: Animais que se alimentam em pastos de Brachiaria spp. comumente apresentam macrófagos espumosos isolados ou agrupados no fígado, além de cristais no interior de ductos biliares. A patogênese da formação e a natureza do material armazenado nestas células, contudo, ainda não são completamente conhecidas. Através da avaliação lectino-histoquímica, saponinas esteroidais (metabólitos glicosilados secundários) têm sido identificadas nos cristais e no citoplasma das células espumosas, e provavelmente são responsáveis por danificar o fígado e levar ao acúmulo de filoeritrina. Por meio deste trabalho, objetivou-se padronizar e caracterizar a utilização da lectino-histoquímica na detecção de metabólitos glicosilados nos tecidos de búfalos mantidos em diferentes pastos de Brachiaria spp. no Brasil. Fragmentos de fígado e linfonodo mesentérico de 40 animais foram analisados: 10 búfalos mantidos em pastagem predominante de B. decumbens por aproximadamente 12 meses; 10 búfalos mantidos em pastagem predominante de B. brizantha por aproximadamente 18 meses; 10 búfalos mantidos em pastagem de B. brizantha por aproximadamente quatro anos; e, como controle negativo, 10 búfalos mantidos em pastagem livre de Brachiaria spp. desde o nascimento. Quatorze lectinas foram testadas (Con-A, SBA, WGA, DBA, UEA, RCA, PNA, GSL-I, PSA, LCA, PHA-E, PHA-L, SJA e SWGA), em um total de 1120 fragmentos avaliados. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que a lectina PNA possui marcada reatividade para macrófagos espumosos de bovinos e ovinos. No presente estudo, a lectina SWGA apresentou acentuada reatividade e alta especificidade para macrófagos espumosos; WGA, GSL, PHA-E e PHA-L mostraram moderada a acentuada reatividade, mas baixa especificidade aos macrófagos espumosos; as outras lectinas não apresentaram reatividade ou especificidade relevantes. Além disso, não houve diferença relevante de marcação entre os fragmentos coletados de animais que se alimentaram de B. decumbens por 12 meses e B. brizantha por 18 meses. Porém, a diminuição da presença e marcação lectino-histoquímica dos macrófagos espumosos nos tecidos dos búfalos que ingeriram Brachiaria brizantha durante mais tempo indica que os animais podem passar por um processo de adaptação de acordo com o tempo de ingestão da planta. A avaliação lectino-histoquímica pode ser utilizada para caracterizar o material armazenado em macrófagos espumosos presentes no fígado e linfonodo mesentérico de búfalos que se alimentam em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. e ajuda na compreensão da patogênese de formação destas células.

#2 - Outbreak of salmonellosis by serovar Dublin in calves in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, 33(8):983-988

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Marques A.L.A.M., Simões S.V.D., Garino Jr F., Maia L.A., Silva T.R., Riet-Correa B.R., Lima E.F. &, Riet-Correa F. 2013. [Outbreak of salmonellosis by serovar Dublin in calves in the State of Maranhão, Brazil.] Surto de salmonelose pelo sorovar Dublin em bezerros no Maranhão. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(8):983-988. Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: An outbreak of salmonellosis due to Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Dublin is reported in calves in a farm in the municipality of Timon, state of Maranhão. From a total of 62 calves, 22 (35.5%) were affected and 9 (40.9%) died. Clinical signs were fever, depression, anorexia, and, in some cases, respiratory, neurological or enteric signs, or arthritis. The clinical manifestation period was hyperacute to subacute. Main gross lesions were enlarged liver and spleen, and presence of exudate in the cavities. Histologically, paratyphoid granuloma were seen in the liver, kidney, and spleen. Thrombosis and bacterial aggregates in blood vessels were observed in various organs. After the realization of the antibiogram the outbreak was controlled by adoption of appropriate antibiotic therapy combined with the correction of sanitary measures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Marques A.L.A.M., Simões S.V.D., Garino Jr F., Maia L.A., Silva T.R., Riet-Correa B.R., Lima E.F. &, Riet-Correa F. 2013. [Outbreak of salmonellosis by serovar Dublin in calves in the State of Maranhão, Brazil.] Surto de salmonelose pelo sorovar Dublin em bezerros no Maranhão. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(8):983-988. Hospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB 58700-000, Brazil. E-mail: Um surto de salmonelose em bezerros causado pela Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Dublin é relatado em uma fazenda no município de Timon, Maranhão. De um total de 62 bezerros, 22 (35,5%) adoeceram e destes nove (40,9%) morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram febre, depressão, anorexia e, em alguns casos, sinais respiratórios, neurológicos, entéricos ou artrites, com curso clínico hiperagudo ou subagudo. As principais lesões macroscópicas foram hepatomegalia com áreas pálidas multifocais a coalescentes, esplenomegalia e líquido nas cavidades torácica e abdominal. Histologicamente foram observados granulomas paratifoides no fígado, rim e baço, além de trombos e agregados bacterianos em vasos sanguíneos de diversos órgãos. O surto foi controlado com a adoção de antibioticoterapia adequada aliada a correção de algumas medidas sanitárias na propriedade.

#3 - Dairy goat production in the Brazilian semiarid region: integrated gastrointestinal nematodes control to overcome anti-helminthic resistance, 33(7):901-908

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Riet-Correa B., Simões S.V.D. & Riet-Correa F. 2013. [Dairy goat production in the Brazilian semiarid region: integrated gastrointestinal nematodes control to overcome anti-helminthic resistance.] Sistemas produtivos de caprinocultura leiteira no semiárido paraibano: controle integrado das parasitoses gastrointestinais visando contornar a resistência anti-helmíntica. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(7):901-908. Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Av. Universitária s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: Goats are very important for the economy of the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil; however, the high frequency of parasitism by gastrintestinal nematodes (GIN) and the increase of anthelmintic resistance are threatening goat industry in the region. In this paper we review the control strategies for GIN in goats including: 1) the differences between goats and sheep to GIN infections; 2) important epidemiological aspects to consider in the control; and 3) technologies to be used for integrated control of GIN and anti-helmintic resistance.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Riet-Correa B., Simões S.V.D. & Riet-Correa F. 2013. [Dairy goat production in the Brazilian semiarid region: integrated gastrointestinal nematodes control to overcome anti-helminthic resistance.] Sistemas produtivos de caprinocultura leiteira no semiárido paraibano: controle integrado das parasitoses gastrointestinais visando contornar a resistência anti-helmíntica. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(7):901-908. Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Av. Universitária s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: A caprinocultura é muito importante para a economia do semiárido nordestino; no entanto a alta frequência das parasitoses gastrintestinais e o aumento da resistência parasitária ameaçam gravemente essa atividade. Nesta revisão são discutidos vários aspectos importantes para o controle das parasitoses gastrintestinais de caprinos, incluindo: 1) as diferenças entre caprinos e ovinos; 2) aspectos epidemiológicos importantes a serem levados em consideração para o controle; e 3) tecnologias a serem utilizadas para realizar o controle das parasitoses gastrintestinais em forma integrada e diminuir a frequência de resistência anti-helmíntica.

#4 - Productive systems of dairy goats in the semiarid of Paraiba: characterization, major limiting factors and evaluation of intervention strategies, 33(3):345-352

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Riet-Correa B., Simões S.V.D., Pereira Filho J.M., Azevedo S.S.A., Melo D.B., Batista J.A., Miranda Neto E.G. & Riet-Correa F. 2013. [Productive systems of dairy goats in the semiarid of Paraiba: characterization, major limiting factors and evaluation of intervention strategies.] Sistemas produtivos de caprinocultura leiteira no semiárido paraibano: caracterização, principais limitantes e avaliação de estratégias de intervenção. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(3):345-352. Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Av. Universitária s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: Through a multidisciplinary study, eight dairy goat farms from the semiarid of Paraíba were studied for a period of two years with the aim to identify the main limiting factors for milk production and to propose and evaluate intervention strategies. A questionnaire was used to obtain information about the farms and their herd management. The forage availabilities were evaluated and proposals were made for correction. The animals were identified to facilitate the zootechnical bookkeeping and the milk production control. The major diseases were diagnosed. Analysis of variance, multiple linear regression and t test were used for data analysis. The average animal numbers in the herds were 53 at the start of the first year, 62 in the end of the year, and 49 in the second year. None herd had a defined breed. In the first year, seven farms had forage deficiency during the dry season, but only two during the rainy season. In the second year, after technical advertisement, six farms still had forage deficiency during the dry season and only two during the rainy season; however in six farms the yearly forage production was adequate and storing fodder during the rainy season would prevent the deficit during drought. The average milk production per goat was 1.19 liters. The most inadequate goat facilities were those used to keep the goat kids. Zootechnical bookkeeping was originally not practiced in any farm at the start of the study, but it was gradually and partially established. The main diseases recorded were caseous lymphadenitis, subclinical mastitis, keratoconjunctivitis and contagious ecthyma. The prevalence of subclinical mastitis, caseous lymphadenitis and gastrointestinal parasitoses were reduced after technical assistance. Reproductive problems were reported in 75% of the farms. Four herds had goat kid mortality rates higher than those acceptable. After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that a continuous and multidisciplinary technical assistance may minimize the factors limiting dairy goat production. The study showed that farmers accept the new technologies if they are appropriate to the systems and are gradually implemented.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Riet-Correa B., Simões S.V.D., Pereira Filho J.M., Azevedo S.S.A., Melo D.B., Batista J.A., Miranda Neto E.G. & Riet-Correa F. 2013. [Productive systems of dairy goats in the semiarid of Paraiba: characterization, major limiting factors and evaluation of intervention strategies.] Sistemas produtivos de caprinocultura leiteira no semiárido paraibano: caracterização, principais limitantes e avaliação de estratégias de intervenção. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(3):345-352. Hospital Veterinário, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Av. Universitária s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: Oito propriedades de leite caprino do semiárido paraibano foram acompanhadas, multidisciplinarmente, durante dois anos, com os objetivos de identificar os principais fatores limitantes da produção, assim como propor e avaliar estratégias de intervenção. Utilizou-se um questionário para obtenção de informações sobre as propriedades e práticas de manejo. Avaliou-se o balanço forrageiro de cada propriedade e foram feitas propostas para correção. Os animais foram identificados para que se viabilizasse a escrituração zootécnica e o controle da produção individual de leite. O diagnóstico das principais enfermidades foi estabelecido. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se análise de variância, regressão linear múltipla e o teste t. O número médio de animais nos rebanhos era 53 cabeças (início do estudo), 62 (final do primeiro ano) e 49 (último ano). Nenhum rebanho tinha padrão racial definido. Na análise do balanço anual de forragem do primeiro ano, sete propriedades tiveram déficit forrageiro na seca, enquanto apenas duas apresentaram déficit durante o período chuvoso. No segundo ano, após as intervenções, seis das oito propriedades apresentaram déficit durante a seca e duas durante a chuva. Entretanto, em seis propriedades, se fossem armazenadas forragens no período da chuva, a quantidade de alimento produzida durante a chuva seria suficiente para manter os animais durante a estação seca. A média da produção de leite diária nas propriedades foi 1,19 litros por cabra. Os problemas mais graves de instalações foram identificados nos cabriteiros. No início do estudo, nenhum produtor realizava escrituração zootécnica, a qual foi gradativa e parcialmente implantada. As principais enfermidades diagnosticadas foram parasitoses gastrintestinais, linfadenite caseosa, mastite subclínica, ectima contagioso e ceratoconjuntivite. A prevalência de linfadenite, mastite e parasitoses gastrintestinais foram reduzidas, após a adoção de práticas adequadas. Problemas reprodutivos foram relatados por 75% dos proprietários. Em quatro propriedades, as taxas de mortalidade de animais jovens foram maiores do que as aceitáveis (8%). Após análise dos dados, observou-se que a assistência técnica permanente e multidisciplinar pode minimizar os fatores limitantes à caprinocultura leiteira. O estudo demonstrou que os produtores aceitam a implantação de novas tecnologias, desde que estas sejam gradativamente implantadas e adequadas aos sistemas de produção.

#5 - Histologic lesions in livers and lymph nodes in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing in Brachiaria spp. pastures., 30(9):705-711

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Riet-Correa B., Riet-Correa F., Oliveira Junior C.A., Duarte V.C. & Riet-Correa G. 2010. [Histologic lesions in livers and lymph nodes in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing in Brachiaria spp. pastures.] Alterações histológicas em fígados e linfonodos de búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(9):705-711. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: Infiltration by foamy macrophages and other lesions are reported in healthy cattle held in Brachiaria spp. pastures. With the objective to study histologic lesions in the liver and mesenteric lymph nodes in buffalo in the state of Pará, samples of liver and lymph nodes of 142 buffalo Murah and 15 Nelore cattle were studied histologically. The samples were collected in an slaughterhouse and divided into groups of animals according to their origin and period of grazing Brachiaria spp. pastures. Group (G) 1 consisted of 79 buffalo from Marajó Island, raised in native pastures free of Brachiaria spp.; G2 was composed of 17 buffalo kept since birth in Brachiaria brizantha pastures; G3 was composed of 29 buffalo purchased in Marajó Island and introduced in B. decumbens pastures where they stayed for nearly 12 months; G4 consists of 17 buffalo purchased in Marajó Island and introduced in B. brizantha pastures where they stayed for nearly 18 months. G5 was composed of 15 Nelore cattle grazing B. brizantha during one year period. To assess the degree of liver injury, grades following a scale of 0 to 4 were established according to the quantity and size of groups of foamy macrophages. In G1, from the Marajó Island, there were no significant histological changes in liver and lymph nodes. Foamy macrophages and other lesions were observed in liver and lymph nodes of all samples from G1, G2, G3, and G4. The animals from G2 and G4, which remained a longer period in Brachiaria spp., showed more pronounced infiltration of foamy macrophages (P<0.05) than the animals of G3. Other lesions observed in the livers of these three groups were swollen, vacuolated or necrotic hepatocytes, mainly in the centrolobular region, and thickening of the Glisson´s capsule with vacuolization and necrosis of subcapsular hepatocytes. These lesions were more pronounced in areas where exists higer infiltration of foamy macrophages. In cattle from G5 smaller groups of foamy macrophages were observed in the lymph nodes and were absent in the liver. These results suggest that the hepatic lesions observed in buffalo are caused by ingestion of Brachiaria spp. The presence of severe lesions in buffalo without clinical signs, much more severe than those observed and reported previously in cattle, as well as the low frequency of Brachiaria poisoning in buffalo grazing in Brachiaria spp. pastures, suggest that buffalo are resilient to Brachiaria spp. poisoning. In each group, there was no association between the weight at slaughter and the degree of lesion. It is also suggested that the observation of severe lesions of the liver, similar to those observed in this experiment, in animal that died from other diseases, can lead to a wrong diagnosis of Brachiaria poisoning.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Riet-Correa B., Riet-Correa F., Oliveira Junior C.A., Duarte V.C. & Riet-Correa G. 2010. [Histologic lesions in livers and lymph nodes in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing in Brachiaria spp. pastures.] Alterações histológicas em fígados e linfonodos de búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30(9):705-711. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Maximino Porpino da Silva 1000, Castanhal, PA 68743-080, Brazil. E-mail: Infiltração por macrófagos espumosos e outras lesões podem ser encontradas em bovinos clinicamente sadios em pastagens de Brachiaria spp. Com o objetivo de determinar as alterações histológicas do fígado e linfonodos mesentéricos em búfalos no Pará foram estudadas as alterações histológicas de fragmentos desses órgãos de 142 búfalos da raça Murrah e de 15 bovinos da raça Nelore, coletados em frigoríficos. As coletas foram separadas em grupos de animais de acordo com sua origem e tempo de permanência na pastagem de Brachiaria spp., sendo o Grupo (G) 1 composto por 79 búfalos provenientes da Ilha de Marajó, criados em pastagens de campo nativo; o G2 composto por 17 búfalos mantidos desde o nascimento em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha; o G3 composto por 29 búfalos adquiridos na Ilha do Marajó e introduzidos em pastagem de B. decumbens por aproximadamente 12 meses; o G4 composto por 17 búfalos adquiridos na Ilha de Marajó e introduzidos em pastagem de B. brizantha por aproximadamente 18 meses; e o G5 composto por 15 bovinos mantidos em pastagem de B. brizantha por aproximadamente 12 meses. Para avaliar a gravidade da lesão hepática foram estabelecidos graus de acordo com a quantidade e tamanho dos grupos de macrófagos espumosos, seguindo uma escala de 0 a 4. Nos animais do G1, provenientes da Ilha de Marajó, não foram observadas alterações histológicas significativas no fígado e linfonodos mesentéricos. Em todas as amostras dos grupos G2, G3 e G4 foram observados quantidades variáveis de macrófagos espumosos no fígado e linfonodos mesentéricos. Os animais dos grupos G2 e do G4, que permaneceram um período maior em pastagens de Brachiaria spp, apresentaram lesões mais acentuadas (P<0,05) de macrófagos espumosos do que os animais do G3. Além da presença de macrófagos espumosos, foram observadas também, no fígado desses três grupos, tumefação, vacuolização e necrose de hepatócitos, principalmente da região centrolobular. Essas lesões eram mais acentuadas nas áreas onde havia maior infiltração de macrófagos espumosos. Havia fibrose capsular e as lesões dos hepatócitos nesta localização eram mais severas. Nos bovinos do G5 foram observados pequenos grupos de macrófagos espumosos nos linfonodos mesentéricos e ausência dessas células no fígado. Esses resultados sugerem que as lesões hepáticas observadas na histologia em búfalos sem sinais clínicos são ocasionadas pela ingestão de Brachiaria spp. A presença de lesões severas em búfalos sem sinais clínicos, bem mais graves do que as observadas em bovinos, assim como a ausência de surtos de intoxicação por Brachiaria nessa espécie, sugere sua resiliência à intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. Dentro de cada grupo não foi comprovada associação entre o peso ao abate e a gravidade das lesões. A presença de lesões severas no fígado de búfalos sem sinais clínicos alerta para o fato de que lesões semelhantes encontradas durante necropsias de búfalos mortos por outras causas possam levar ao diagnóstico errado de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp.

#6 - Evolução e reversibiliade das lesões neurológicas e cardíacas em ovinos intoxicados experimentalmente por Ateleia glazioviana e Tetrapterys multiglandulosa, p.129-134

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida M.B., Priebe A.P.S., Riet-Correa B., Riet-Correa G., Fiss L., Raffi M.B. & Schild A.L. 2008. [Evolution and reversibility of neurologic and cardiac lesions in sheep caused by Ateleia glazioviana and Tetrapterys multiglandulosa.] Evolução e reversibiliade das lesões neurológicas e cardíacas em ovinos intoxicados experimentalmente por Ateleia glazioviana e Tetrapterys multiglandulosa. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):129-134. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: To determine the reversibility of neurological and cardiac lesions in Ateleia glazioviana and Tetrapterys multiglandulosa poisoning, 3 groups of four sheep each were fed orally with the plants. In Group 1, 2 and 3, when sheep with nervous signs showed considerable increase of symptoms and risk of death, the plant administration was suspended. Group 4 with two sheep was used as control. Sheep from Group 1, fed 10g/kg during 6 days of fresh A. glazioviana collected in autumn were euthanized 8, 11, 16, and 21 days after the start of the experiment; they had shown regression of nervous signs, but had progressive cardiac lesions. Sheep from Group 2, fed during 8 days the same dose of fresh A. glazioviana collected in spring, were euthanized on days 9, 23, 38 and 68; they had shown regression of nervous signs and had no cardiac lesions. This suggests that the plant is less toxic in spring. Sheep from Group 3, fed 10g/kg during 11 days dry and ground T. multiglandulosa mixed with concentrated food, were euthanized on days 33, 33, 92 and 92; they had shown regression of nervous signs, and cardiac lesions were less severe on day 33 than on day 92. These results indicate that nervous lesions are reversible after the end of feeding, but cardiac lesions are progressive after discontinuation of the plant administration; these can be afterwards reversible if the animals do not anymore show clinical signs or die as a consequence of the poisoning. Results of those and previous experiments show that lesions of the nervous system are induced by lower doses than cardiac lesions and occur within a shorter period, what suggests that in spontaneous cases cardiac signs are always preceded by nervous signs, and that nervous signs can occur in the absence of cardiac lesions.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida M.B., Priebe A.P.S., Riet-Correa B., Riet-Correa G., Fiss L., Raffi M.B. & Schild A.L. 2008. [Evolution and reversibility of neurologic and cardiac lesions in sheep caused by Ateleia glazioviana and Tetrapterys multiglandulosa.] Evolução e reversibiliade das lesões neurológicas e cardíacas em ovinos intoxicados experimentalmente por Ateleia glazioviana e Tetrapterys multiglandulosa. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(3):129-134. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: To determine the reversibility of neurological and cardiac lesions in Ateleia glazioviana and Tetrapterys multiglandulosa poisoning, 3 groups of four sheep each were fed orally with the plants. In Group 1, 2 and 3, when sheep with nervous signs showed considerable increase of symptoms and risk of death, the plant administration was suspended. Group 4 with two sheep was used as control. Sheep from Group 1, fed 10g/kg during 6 days of fresh A. glazioviana collected in autumn were euthanized 8, 11, 16, and 21 days after the start of the experiment; they had shown regression of nervous signs, but had progressive cardiac lesions. Sheep from Group 2, fed during 8 days the same dose of fresh A. glazioviana collected in spring, were euthanized on days 9, 23, 38 and 68; they had shown regression of nervous signs and had no cardiac lesions. This suggests that the plant is less toxic in spring. Sheep from Group 3, fed 10g/kg during 11 days dry and ground T. multiglandulosa mixed with concentrated food, were euthanized on days 33, 33, 92 and 92; they had shown regression of nervous signs, and cardiac lesions were less severe on day 33 than on day 92. These results indicate that nervous lesions are reversible after the end of feeding, but cardiac lesions are progressive after discontinuation of the plant administration; these can be afterwards reversible if the animals do not anymore show clinical signs or die as a consequence of the poisoning. Results of those and previous experiments show that lesions of the nervous system are induced by lower doses than cardiac lesions and occur within a shorter period, what suggests that in spontaneous cases cardiac signs are always preceded by nervous signs, and that nervous signs can occur in the absence of cardiac lesions.

#7 - Tristeza parasitária bovina na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo retrospectivo de 1978-2005

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida M.B., Tortelli F.P., Riet-Correa B., Ferreira J.L.M., Soares M.P., Farias N.A.R., Riet-Correa F. & Schild A.L. 2006. [Tick fever in southern Brazil: a retrospective study of 1978-2005.] Tristeza parasitária bovina na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo retrospectivo de 1978-2005. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):236-242. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study of tick fever was made, which occurred from 1978-2005 in southern Rio Grande do Sul in the influence area of the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas. From 4,884 cattle specimens, sent by practitioners or which were from necropsies performed at the Diagnostic Laboratory, 231 (4.7%) were diagnosed as tick fever. Data from 221 of those outbreaks were analyzed. Ninety one (41.1%) outbreaks were caused by Babesia bovis, 11 (4.9%) by Babesia bigemina, and 65 (29.41%) by Anaplasma marginale. In other 33 (14.93%) outbreaks of babesiosis there is no information if the disease was caused by B. bovis or B. bigemina, and 21 (9.5%) outbreaks were caused by mixed infection of A. marginale and B. bovis or B. bigemina. Mean morbidity, mortality, and letality rates in 149 outbreaks were 11.17%, 6.81%, and 70.04%, respectively. Most outbreaks occurred during summer (January-March) and autumn (April-June), mainly in 1 to 3-year-old cattle. Clinical signs were depression, weakness, fallen ears, fever, and weight loss. Low packed cell volume values were always found. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis. Neurological signs characterized by gait alterations, muscular tremors, aggressiveness and falling down with tonic and clonic convulsions were observed in babesiosis by B. bovis. The main gross lesions were anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, yellow liver and cardiac hemorrhages. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis, and congestion of the cerebral cortex in babesiosis by B. bovis. It is concluded that B. bovis is the main agent causing thick fever in southern Rio Grande do Sul. In that region with a cattle population of 2,630,000 heads the annual losses due to tick fever can be estimated in 6,220 cattle or US$ 1,623,000.00. Preventive measures to diminish tick fever losses in the region are necessary.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida M.B., Tortelli F.P., Riet-Correa B., Ferreira J.L.M., Soares M.P., Farias N.A.R., Riet-Correa F. & Schild A.L. 2006. [Tick fever in southern Brazil: a retrospective study of 1978-2005.] Tristeza parasitária bovina na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo retrospectivo de 1978-2005. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):236-242. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study of tick fever was made, which occurred from 1978-2005 in southern Rio Grande do Sul in the influence area of the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas. From 4,884 cattle specimens, sent by practitioners or which were from necropsies performed at the Diagnostic Laboratory, 231 (4.7%) were diagnosed as tick fever. Data from 221 of those outbreaks were analyzed. Ninety one (41.1%) outbreaks were caused by Babesia bovis, 11 (4.9%) by Babesia bigemina, and 65 (29.41%) by Anaplasma marginale. In other 33 (14.93%) outbreaks of babesiosis there is no information if the disease was caused by B. bovis or B. bigemina, and 21 (9.5%) outbreaks were caused by mixed infection of A. marginale and B. bovis or B. bigemina. Mean morbidity, mortality, and letality rates in 149 outbreaks were 11.17%, 6.81%, and 70.04%, respectively. Most outbreaks occurred during summer (January-March) and autumn (April-June), mainly in 1 to 3-year-old cattle. Clinical signs were depression, weakness, fallen ears, fever, and weight loss. Low packed cell volume values were always found. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis. Neurological signs characterized by gait alterations, muscular tremors, aggressiveness and falling down with tonic and clonic convulsions were observed in babesiosis by B. bovis. The main gross lesions were anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, yellow liver and cardiac hemorrhages. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis, and congestion of the cerebral cortex in babesiosis by B. bovis. It is concluded that B. bovis is the main agent causing thick fever in southern Rio Grande do Sul. In that region with a cattle population of 2,630,000 heads the annual losses due to tick fever can be estimated in 6,220 cattle or US$ 1,623,000.00. Preventive measures to diminish tick fever losses in the region are necessary.

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